Endangered Species - Cotton-Top Tamarin

Cotton-Top Tamarin | Paignton ZooCotton-Top Tamarin

Species Description and Habitat

The Cotton-Top Tamarin is a tiny new world monkey weighing only 0.5kg, you can compare them to the size of a squirrel These monkeys can live to be 15-24 years old in some cases.  They are known for the crazy white hair they have on the top of their heads. These monkeys live in forest areas of northwestern Columbia. They spend most of their days in the trees and scavenge for fruits and insects along the forest. They have been known to eat small animals at some points but it is very rare.

Cotton-Top Tamarin - New England Primate Conservancy 

Species Role in Ecosystem

These monkeys are crucial for the ecosystem, they spread seeds across the forest. They swallow many smaller seeds than bigger primates consume, leading a more even distribution of seeds.
 Cotton-top Tamarin eating | Wade Tregaskis | Flickr

Cause of Decline
One of the threats to Cotton-Top Tamarins are the illegal trade of them, to be used for research. Another reason is obvious, human interference and deforestation. These animals homes are being torn down in order to develop new buildings. 

Big oil companies also play a role in the endangerment of these species, these oil extraction projects destroy a significant amount of land that they live in.

Importance/Why we should care
 Without these animals we will see the rain forest and all life around it start to disappear. They help the forest grow and stay as healthy by the seeding they do.

Proyecto Tití is an organization in Columbia that informs locals about the endangerment and ways they can help in hopes of keeping these animals around. They also support internships to help keep the forest alive as well.

Ways you can help!!
1. Do your research on the internet about deforestation and the Cotton-Top Tamarin. 
2. Donate to Proyecto Tití.
3. Purchase a bag, where proceeds go to help local residence hold a steady income so they don't have to rely on the forest resources. 
4. Donate to organizations whose aim is to help save the rain forest.
5. Inform as many people as you can. Use social media!!



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