
Showing posts from June, 2020

Endangered Species - Cotton-Top Tamarin

Cotton-Top Tamarin Species Description and Habitat The Cotton-Top Tamarin is a tiny new world monkey weighing only 0.5kg, you can compare them to the size of a squirrel These monkeys can live to be 15-24 years old in some cases.  They are known for the crazy white hair they have on the top of their heads. These monkeys live in forest areas of northwestern Columbia. They spend most of their days in the trees and scavenge for fruits and insects along the forest. They have been known to eat small animals at some points but it is very rare.   Species Role in Ecosystem These monkeys are crucial for the ecosystem, they spread seeds across the forest. They swallow many smaller seeds than bigger primates consume, leading a more even distribution of seeds.   Cause of Decline One of the threats to Cotton-Top Tamarins are the illegal trade of them, to be used for research. Another reason is obvious, human interference and deforestation. These animals homes are being torn down in

Endangered Species - Humphead Wrasse

Humphead Wrasse Description and Habitat  The Humphead Wrasse is located in the Indo-Pacific around the coral reefs. This fish grows to around six feet long weighing over 400 pounds. They can live peacefully for 30 years, sometimes longer. This fish is typically seen out because of the big lump that stands straight on their forehead. Something interesting about this fish is that they start their lives as females but can sometimes transform into males later in life. They predict that only 890 of these fish are left in the sea, numbers increasing daily. This picture shows you how giant these fish can be compared to a normal human. Species Role in Ecosystem These fish play a very important role in the ecosystem, they help keep the coral reef together. These fish are immune to the spikes of crown thorn starfish, that are known to be poisonous to the species within the coral reef, including the coral. If we continue to see a decline of these fish, the coral reef could be at a

Endangered Species - Poison Dart Frog

The Poison Dart Frog Species Description and Habitat The Poison Dart Frog is a very unique species of frogs, whereas most camouflage themselves to avoid being eaten or to find food. These frogs use their bright colors to warn other animals that they can't eat them, they are poisonous. There are 100 species of these type of frogs that live mostly in the Amazon. They like humid areas, which is why they are found in tropical rain forests. This is an image of where these frogs are typically located in the world, where you can find them most of the time. Species Role in the Ecosystem These Poison Dart Frogs play an important role in the ecosystem being that they are both prey and predators. When the frogs are tiny little tadpoles they help keep the algal down in throughout the waters which helps for a better chance of other species to thrive. Cause of Decline As an obvious point these frogs are endangered because of the rain forest declination in the world. T