
Showing posts from May, 2020


 The Mandrill 1. The Mandrill is the world's largest monkey. They are ground animals but at night they go up to trees for safety. They are most popular due to their striking colors, as you can see in the picture of a male Mandrill above. They have extremely long arms so they can travel fast on foot. They are typically seen in larger groups and never alone. 2. Mandrills are located in central Africa and tend to be seen in tropical rainforest. They live in trees and pick a new one each night. They run along rivers on north and east of central Africa. 3. The Mandrills are omnivores but prefer to eat fruit, seeds, leaves and stems. Something interesting is that they consume over 100 different species of plants, ants, termites, spiders and scorpions. Their sharp canines are used for attacking bigger animals such as, birds, turtles, frogs and more. This species of monkey is especially important for the environment because they help spread seeds and grow new plants. 4. The reaso


 The Saola The Saola is a considered a critically endangered animal/mammal. It is also known as the Asian unicorn. The Saola was discovered in 1992 in Vietnam. They are also known to be one of the most spectacular mammals known to science in the last fifty years. Habitat You can find Saolas in mountains and forests typically, and they migrate and are seen more throughout wet seasons. They migrate down the mountain to low lands during the cold wintery seasons. They are typically hard to find and difficult to keep track of. The picture below shows where you are most likely to find a Saola, bordering Laos and Vietnam. Niche The Saola are herbivores, meaning they only eat plants. They are important to the environment because they are prey for larger animals such as tigers, which are also endangered. People in villages towns around where the Saola live also rely on them for food as well. Cause of Decline The Saola are endangered mostly because of hunting reason
My name is Erica Kimmel, I am a senior studying communications  and will be graduating in December. I have always been a huge animal lover and love being outside in nature. I have many favorite animals but my top three are elephants, cheetahs, and dogs! I also have many favorite plants but the two I love the most are eucalyptus and roses. Wildlife/wilderness conservation has always been a big concern of mine. From a young age I have always dreamed of helping animals around the world who are being held captive by humans. I hope to one day be able to travel the world and see different aspects of nature the world has to offer.